RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir

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Established in 1945, the RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir is one of the oldest radio choirs in Europe. It often cooperates with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. Their repertoire contains modern works and also famous works from musical history.

Throughout the years the choir has been led by Franc Kimovec, Drago M. Šijanec, Ciril Cvetko, France Marolt, Milko Škoberne, Lojze Lebič, Marko Munih, Jože Fürst, Mirko Cuderman, Tomaž Faganel, Matevž Fabijan, Matjaž Šček, Urša Lah, and Stojan Kuret. The choir worked continuously until 2004, when they became a project choir. They record works for Music Production Unit, RTV Slovenia and often host famous conductors such as Stefan Parkman, Günther Theuring (for the radio project Gallus in 2001–2003), Sebastjan Vrhovnik (for the radio project Gallus in 2007 and 2008), Martina Batič (for the radio project Ko poezija postane glasba in 2007), Dani Juris, and Holger Speck (for the project Gallus 2010).

See also

External links

Komorni zbor RTV Slovenija +
Komorni zbor RTV Slovenija +
SI-1550 Ljubljana +
Kolodvorska 2 +
Established in 1945, the RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir is one of the oldest radio choirs in Europe. +
Established in 1945, the RTV Slovenia Chamber Choir is one of the oldest radio choirs in Europe. +
+386 / 1 475 2469 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1550 +
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